Thursday, December 31, 2009

Re: [ElfstoneLARP] New Years Day Smackdown (a.k.a. combat practice)


We reallly need to know whats going on so that we can make plans. And if this is still going on, Jared and I could really use a ride from MARTA.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Mike <> wrote:

Greetings all, on this day after winter solstice!

In the semi-tradition of Elfstone, I'm proposing a LARP combat practice gathering for New Years Day. Let's bring in the Year of The Space Odyssey (i.e. 2010) with some exercise, good cheer, and some bloody (simulated) battle!

Two of the "Elfstone years" saw this tradition observed, because let's face it: there's usually not a heckuva lot going on New Years Day, apart from a college bowl game or maybe some mild recovery from any antics the night before.

Considering somewhere fairly "neutral" in location, such as Wildwood (Marietta) or Wills Park (Alpharetta). Obviously, this event will largely be weather-dependent.

So, get those foam latex weapons, bows, and shields ready and let's get some exercise, as well as play-test some new stuff for the hopefully upcoming Savage Kingdoms LARP! Will post this to the Elfstone and SK boards as well!

Until next our stars (and swords) cross... =)




Tuesday, December 22, 2009

[ElfstoneLARP] New Years Day Smackdown (a.k.a. combat practice)


Greetings all, on this day after winter solstice!

In the semi-tradition of Elfstone, I'm proposing a LARP combat practice gathering for New Years Day. Let's bring in the Year of The Space Odyssey (i.e. 2010) with some exercise, good cheer, and some bloody (simulated) battle!

Two of the "Elfstone years" saw this tradition observed, because let's face it: there's usually not a heckuva lot going on New Years Day, apart from a college bowl game or maybe some mild recovery from any antics the night before.

Considering somewhere fairly "neutral" in location, such as Wildwood (Marietta) or Wills Park (Alpharetta). Obviously, this event will largely be weather-dependent.

So, get those foam latex weapons, bows, and shields ready and let's get some exercise, as well as play-test some new stuff for the hopefully upcoming Savage Kingdoms LARP! Will post this to the Elfstone and SK boards as well!

Until next our stars (and swords) cross... =)




Monday, December 21, 2009

[ElfstoneLARP] Advent Mysteries - A Tolkienian Christmastide to All!


Greetings, and Happy Advent!

In the Roman Catholic church, today marks the fifth day during
which the "O Antiphons" of Advent are sung at evening vespers. These
antiphons, seven in all, were the basis for the hymn "O Come O Come
Emmanuel", although the melody is very different.

Most importantly, the antiphon for today and tonight has tremendous significance to lovers of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth.

"O Oriens" in Latin ("O Dayspring", or "O Dawn" in English) translates to "éala éarendel" in Anglo-Saxon, which was the initial seed of Tolkien's entire Middle-earth legendarium. The opening line from this portion of the A-S "Crist" is:

éala éarendel engla beorhtast / ofer middangeard monnum sended
"Hail Earendel, brightest of angels,
sent over Middle-earth to men."

This line, and specifically the name "éarendel", was the basis for
Tolkien's 1914 poem "The Voyage of Eärendel the Evening Star", which
started him down the road toward writing the tales of "The Silmarillion", "The Children of Hurin", "The Hobbit", and ultimately "The Lord of the Rings".

Lorraine and I would like to wish all of our friends and family a
happy Advent, a glorious Christmastide, and a blessed New Year!

Nai Eru lye mánata ar tíra (God bless and watch thee)




Tuesday, December 8, 2009

[ElfstoneLARP] Mystical Realms Newsletter for December, 2009



Welcome to my newsletter for December, 2009, and a Happy Advent to all! Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think would be interested in keeping up with me. To receive these newsletters regularly, please drop me an email or subscribe online from my website ( ) or at: . Notices of events and items of interest are at the bottom of this email.

Ponderings ==============

I sensed the soaring sandhills today…at least, so it seemed. A distant discord…cockled calls above clouds. "Come along! Come along!" Would that I could follow that cry….

But I am earth enslaved, gravity grounded. Freedom for me is fought for, not found in flight. I defend what is dear, beating the bounds.

A friend recently rendered me misty-eyed, mulling. She reminded me of Middle-earth's Dúnedain: those who safeguard the simple joys of life for others. This at a cost of long vigils: watching…waiting. I've pondered their countenances as I've tried to render Rangers. What would it cost? What lines of worry would etch each brow? What grizzled grayness would graft itself onto black locks? Eyes, though, always piercing…through stave and stone, fog and flesh.

Our blueberry bushes are blazing. All other leaves have flooded the front yard. Busy folk on busy lawns rake and blow blizzards of the dead and dying as I continue to listen for unclear croonings. This is too busy a place for Rangers! Surely I should take the straightest path out to the edges; hike to the creek, tool trenches in soft earth and hole up….

Or maybe not.

Maybe the edges stand before me. Maybe the boundary is not `round hearth and home, but around the human heart. I can stand, staff in hand, descrying demons beyond each branch… or I can seek, perhaps, for a subtler safety.

And with that thought, sound ceases. Clatter calms, motors mute. All I feel is air flowing, colossal currents just past perception, a maelstrom with this small house at its center, this small heart at its center.

And then I realize. The boundaries still exist. Aragorn's kin are still out in that storm, seeking. They are not guarding the Shire, but my soul. They aren't felling wickedness so much as weakness, not trolls so much as transgressions. But they want aid…I, too, must play my part. I must open gates and armories. I must heed their counsel when they bring forth the Black Arrow.

This is hard…to find that _I_ am the very ground on which this battle is fought!

But there is no nobler time to join these ranks. Now is when all eternity begins; now is when the tide turns; now is all we have, despite the coaxings of Morgoth to put this off for just one more day…just one more day…just one more day….

Now, by all that is holy, Lord, help me to simply say "yes"….

One word, whispered in darkness, and all is well. One small sound spoken against the storm, and those that seek to secure me will clash swords and shout hallelujahs!

For it seems to me the title "Ranger" suits not these guardians. Messengers I name them, Forerunners. These warriors sport wings! And with mighty blast of trumpets, they will bear each of us through the tempest as we prepare, at long last, for the return of the King.

Prospects ===================

- Author and scholar Colin Duriez is editing a new online magazine that will highlight "Festival in the Shire" details, guests, events, etc. The first issue should be appearing in December or early January; check for the latest news on what should be a very interesting new publication for Tolkien lovers.

- The next issue of the "St. Austin Review (StAR)" (due out in January), will focus on C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, and should include a lot of articles and images of interest to Tolkien and Lewis fans. See for more details.

- The next full exhibition at Moreton in Marsh will be entitled "The Edge of the Wild", and will include art by Ted Nasmith, Ruth Lacon, Peter Pracownik, and myself. It will run Friday, March 26, 2010 at 7:30 pm through Monday, March 29, 2010 at 5:00 pm. You can find out more on Facebook by searching on "Edge of the Wild", or by checking out the ADC Books website at

- The next issue of "Silver Leaves", the journal of the White Tree Fund ( , will be featuring a couple of my painting images (although not, to my knowledge, the cover image!). The issue focuses on fantasy art, so I am particularly delighted that they will be including my work. I also have a short article in this, the third volume, of "Silver Leaves".

- The first ever "Beyond Bree" calendar is out! It features artwork by myself, Ted Nasmith, Tim Kirk, Kay Woollard, Sylvia Hunnewell, Louise Ying Chen, Octo Kwan, plus more! To order yours, please contact Nancy Martsch at

- The new Heren Istarion calendar is also out! Again designed by Phil and Megan Goss and set in Shire Reckoning format, it includes artwork by Henning Janssen, Ruth Lacon, and a little bit from me (including the cover image). For more info, contact Anthony and Jessica at .



Wednesday, November 18, 2009

[ElfstoneLARP] Abrahms takes a pot shot at Star Wars


I just HAD to post this. Apparently Abrams took a shot at Star Wars in the new Star Trek film when he has R2D2 floating as some space debris in the film. This is hilarious. Take that George 'Toy Boy' Lucas! (you get brownie points if you can tell me where thats from)
Deus_Morte (aka Justin, aka JP, aka a Lurker)



Monday, November 16, 2009

Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Re: Attending?


Sounds good to me.

--- On Thu, 11/12/09, rohirricbard <> wrote:

From: rohirricbard <>
Subject: [ElfstoneLARP] Re: Attending?
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 11:01 PM


That's within striking distance for me, and maybe a few other folks as well.

Still trying to settle upon next gathering date...maybe November 28th, although that's T-giving Weekend, methinks. When we know more, then we can start setting up a time to pick you up if need be.


--- In ElfstoneLARP@ yahoogroups. com, adam matthews <gareret@... > wrote:
> I live out in Sandy Springs, on Roswell Road.
> --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Mike Yow <rohirricbard@ ...> wrote:
> From: Mike Yow <rohirricbard@ ...>
> Subject: Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?
> To: ElfstoneLARP@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 10:06 PM
> Greetings, MerlinM!
> MARTA is a pretty decent way to get around Atlanta, and parts of Metro Atlanta, but is sadly rather limited in its range.  Most of us "core participants" are located out in the northwestern or northeastern Atlanta suburbs (among other places) where the MARTA rail falls a bit short.
> However, please let us know where you live, either here or by private email, and maybe you can carpool with one of us next time?  We don't (usually) bite...much.  ;-)
> -MikeY
> --- On Wed, 11/11/09, MerlinM <gareret@yahoo. com> wrote:
> From: MerlinM <gareret@yahoo. com>
> Subject: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?
> To: ElfstoneLARP@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 4:45 PM
> I would really like to attend one or two events and see what's going on, but I'm brand new to this, and above all can only really rely on MARTA for access. What's the best way to get around town?



[ElfstoneLARP] Combat practice/mini-adventure this weekend!?


Greetings, all!

If we can gather enough folks this weekend, how about a combat practice and/or mini-adventure on Saturday or Sunday? I realize this comes not too long after our last get-together, but as for me personally, I have a show running December 3rd through December 22nd and won't be available those weekends.

So, better than early than late, I say, and the weekend before Thanksgiving is usually better than the one after. Already, Bill has said he'd be most likely available, as would probably a decent number of us.

If possible, let's hold this in a more "neutral" location this time -- honestly, Cochran Mill is still one of my favorite game sites. Besides, it's equally far from most of us, except for Jacob and Jared who, I believe, live in College Park.

At any rate, please post or email your interest and availability regarding this weekend. I'll copy and paste this to the Savage Kingdoms group site ( and probably the Facebook group as well.




[ElfstoneLARP] (unknown)


Weekend before TGiving is probably better.  I should be around and available.




Thursday, November 12, 2009

[ElfstoneLARP] Re: Attending?


That's within striking distance for me, and maybe a few other folks as well.

Still trying to settle upon next gathering date...maybe November 28th, although that's T-giving Weekend, methinks. When we know more, then we can start setting up a time to pick you up if need be.


--- In, adam matthews <gareret@...> wrote:
> I live out in Sandy Springs, on Roswell Road.
> --- On Wed, 11/11/09, Mike Yow <rohirricbard@...> wrote:
> From: Mike Yow <rohirricbard@...>
> Subject: Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 10:06 PM
> Greetings, MerlinM!
> MARTA is a pretty decent way to get around Atlanta, and parts of Metro Atlanta, but is sadly rather limited in its range.  Most of us "core participants" are located out in the northwestern or northeastern Atlanta suburbs (among other places) where the MARTA rail falls a bit short.
> However, please let us know where you live, either here or by private email, and maybe you can carpool with one of us next time?  We don't (usually) bite...much.  ;-)
> -MikeY
> --- On Wed, 11/11/09, MerlinM <gareret@yahoo. com> wrote:
> From: MerlinM <gareret@yahoo. com>
> Subject: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?
> To: ElfstoneLARP@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 4:45 PM
> I would really like to attend one or two events and see what's going on, but I'm brand new to this, and above all can only really rely on MARTA for access. What's the best way to get around town?



[ElfstoneLARP] Savage Kingdoms Yahoo Group URL


Hey all!

In case I might've given you the wrong URL to the Savage Kingdoms Yahoo Group site, here's the real and accurate address:

My apologies for any confusion. May Crom cast me out of Valhalla and laugh at me! ;-)




Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?


I live out in Sandy Springs, on Roswell Road.

--- On Wed, 11/11/09, Mike Yow <> wrote:

From: Mike Yow <>
Subject: Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 10:06 PM


Greetings, MerlinM!
MARTA is a pretty decent way to get around Atlanta, and parts of Metro Atlanta, but is sadly rather limited in its range.  Most of us "core participants" are located out in the northwestern or northeastern Atlanta suburbs (among other places) where the MARTA rail falls a bit short.
However, please let us know where you live, either here or by private email, and maybe you can carpool with one of us next time?  We don't (usually) bite...much.  ;-)

--- On Wed, 11/11/09, MerlinM <gareret@yahoo. com> wrote:

From: MerlinM <gareret@yahoo. com>
Subject: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?
To: ElfstoneLARP@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 4:45 PM

I would really like to attend one or two events and see what's going on, but I'm brand new to this, and above all can only really rely on MARTA for access. What's the best way to get around town?



Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Photo Shoot & Playtest for Savage Kingdoms!


Greetings, Justin P.!
Thus far, we just have a Yahoo Group site (groups/ and a Facebook Group page. 
Please join 'em if you can, by Crom!  =)

--- On Thu, 11/12/09, Justin P. <> wrote:

From: Justin P. <>
Subject: Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Photo Shoot & Playtest for Savage Kingdoms!
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 2:47 PM

Anybody got a link to the rules or the website for this larp?

--- On Wed, 11/11/09, rohirricbard <rohirricbard@> wrote:

From: rohirricbard <rohirricbard@>
Subject: [ElfstoneLARP] Photo Shoot & Playtest for Savage Kingdoms!
To: ElfstoneLARP@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 4:23 PM

<From the Savage Kingdoms forum, a subsidiary of Elfstone>

Greetings, fellow adventurers!

In wake of the modest success of the last combat practice, and general meeting, it's time to decide upon our next meeting! I believe a photo shoot stands to reason, as well as a mini-playtest adventure. Looking at November 21st, 22nd, 28th, or 29th for this event. Things are coming together pretty quickly for this LARP to take off, so we have to move with it if possible!

I realize that this will be either the weekend before, or after, Thanksgiving, which might pose some problems. The weekend before T-giving is likely to better for most everyone, but let's put it to a casual vote. So, who's available for which time, and how many new folks can you manage to drag along with you? ;-)

The Savage Kingdoms rules are still in early draft, but are about 75% complete (and I must say they're going to be awesome!). The Elfstone core rules are in effect, but with lots of nifty adjustments and additions to better reflect the grim and heroic Hyborian Age setting. Should be pretty darn cool -- just think Conan meets 300 meets Gladiator meets Thirteenth Warrior with a mild dash of Cthulhu!

As for the Photo Shoot idea, we need some good costumed pics for marketing purposes (i.e. websites, flyers, brochures, the usual suspects). If you need help with costume ideas, and aren't that familiar with Robert E. Howard's Hyborian Age world, then just think ancient or Dark Ages real-world cultures: Celtic, Pictish, Roman, Greek, Persian, African, Mongol, etc. Nice touches are things like long hair (real or wig), jewelry, tattoos or war-paint, grim, gritty, and/or exotic.

Instead of a combat practice per se, I'll try to have a mini-adventure ready to run by the date we all decide upon -- maybe 5 or 6 encounters, not all of which will necessarily be combat-oriented. This will allow us to also playtest some non-combat stuff, as well as the more rules-intensive battle stuff.

Event location to be determined soon. Keep an eye on this forum, or your email, for more information! And tell others about us, by Crom! ;-)

(SK production team)



Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Photo Shoot & Playtest for Savage Kingdoms!


Anybody got a link to the rules or the website for this larp?

--- On Wed, 11/11/09, rohirricbard <> wrote:

From: rohirricbard <>
Subject: [ElfstoneLARP] Photo Shoot & Playtest for Savage Kingdoms!
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 4:23 PM

<From the Savage Kingdoms forum, a subsidiary of Elfstone>

Greetings, fellow adventurers!

In wake of the modest success of the last combat practice, and general meeting, it's time to decide upon our next meeting! I believe a photo shoot stands to reason, as well as a mini-playtest adventure. Looking at November 21st, 22nd, 28th, or 29th for this event. Things are coming together pretty quickly for this LARP to take off, so we have to move with it if possible!

I realize that this will be either the weekend before, or after, Thanksgiving, which might pose some problems. The weekend before T-giving is likely to better for most everyone, but let's put it to a casual vote. So, who's available for which time, and how many new folks can you manage to drag along with you? ;-)

The Savage Kingdoms rules are still in early draft, but are about 75% complete (and I must say they're going to be awesome!). The Elfstone core rules are in effect, but with lots of nifty adjustments and additions to better reflect the grim and heroic Hyborian Age setting. Should be pretty darn cool -- just think Conan meets 300 meets Gladiator meets Thirteenth Warrior with a mild dash of Cthulhu!

As for the Photo Shoot idea, we need some good costumed pics for marketing purposes (i.e. websites, flyers, brochures, the usual suspects). If you need help with costume ideas, and aren't that familiar with Robert E. Howard's Hyborian Age world, then just think ancient or Dark Ages real-world cultures: Celtic, Pictish, Roman, Greek, Persian, African, Mongol, etc. Nice touches are things like long hair (real or wig), jewelry, tattoos or war-paint, grim, gritty, and/or exotic.

Instead of a combat practice per se, I'll try to have a mini-adventure ready to run by the date we all decide upon -- maybe 5 or 6 encounters, not all of which will necessarily be combat-oriented. This will allow us to also playtest some non-combat stuff, as well as the more rules-intensive battle stuff.

Event location to be determined soon. Keep an eye on this forum, or your email, for more information! And tell others about us, by Crom! ;-)

(SK production team)



Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Re: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?


Greetings, MerlinM!
MARTA is a pretty decent way to get around Atlanta, and parts of Metro Atlanta, but is sadly rather limited in its range.  Most of us "core participants" are located out in the northwestern or northeastern Atlanta suburbs (among other places) where the MARTA rail falls a bit short.
However, please let us know where you live, either here or by private email, and maybe you can carpool with one of us next time?  We don't (usually) bite...much.  ;-)

--- On Wed, 11/11/09, MerlinM <> wrote:

From: MerlinM <>
Subject: [ElfstoneLARP] Attending?
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 4:45 PM

I would really like to attend one or two events and see what's going on, but I'm brand new to this, and above all can only really rely on MARTA for access. What's the best way to get around town?

